This ABC book is a women’s health book with feedback and input of deaf middle school girls, with the vision of it being accompanied by a video series of deaf women in STEM translating the book. This project will promote discussion of women’s health while inspiring girls as they work with and see deaf role models elevated.
Head to our YouTube page to preview ASL translations by deaf women in STEM!
The book is finished!!
Books are currently being donated to Deaf schools across the U.S.
Our Story
You likely know someone who has chronic unexplained vaginal pain (or vulvodynia), painful periods from endometriosis, or recurrent yeast infections. Maybe this is you. These things are usually not openly talked about... especially if you are a teenage girl.
The topic may be taboo or the information goes over your head. We are a team of deaf and hearing, sign-fluent women that came together in our shared goal of changing this!
Meet The Team
Corrine is a white hearing American linguist, who is proficient in English and ASL. For Corrine, this project was an opportunity to collaborate on a book written with Deaf middle schoolers in mind, presenting important, often complex topics in an accessible, fun, and visually appealing format.
Support Us
While we are grateful for the minigrant, we were not able to budget for the ASL translation component! Any amount helps. Click on the icon to donate to Partners in Deaf Health, the non-profit organization supporting our efforts. Add a note that your donation is for "women's health book ASL." Thank you!

We are seeking deaf women who are STEM scholars or professionals! Email us at womensabcbook@gmail.com if you are interested in translating a word from the book or want to nominate someone!